Fire Threatens Delta Theatre

Millard County Progress, 6 November 1930, page 1
Sunday monrniny about six a. m. fire broke out in the Delta Theatre. Mr. Harding at the Delta Drug put in an alarm of fire and roused Billy Van, who bustled out the fire department. Fortunately the town was fairly teeming with pheasant hunting setting out early to shoot the wary birds and a crowd of volunteer firement soon assembled. W. J. Starley and his brother Rulon were among the first to arrive and fired shots and the gang soon gathered. The fire was burning briskly up the stairway and into the balcony and the building was full of smoke. The power was off that morning and the water systems were run dry and for a while the situation seemed helpless.

But nothing daunted, Dee Cox and some helpers hauled water on a truck from the Delta Produce Co. that had been left standing in barrels and Marshal Leavitt formed a bucket brigade from Joe Mercer's and the men kep the place will saturated. The chemical tank from the fire department was emptied twice and Spencer Wright had some chemical bombs gotten from the D. Stevens store to help in controlling the fire.

After two hours of arduous labor the fire was past the danger point. The stairway had burned and broken in and the balcony was burned to some extent, but the projection room was undamaged and the rest of the theatre intact.

Delta is greatly indebted to the fire department and the volunteer helpers for the good work they did that morning in preventing another disastrous fire in our town.
Associated Theaters
Theater City
Delta Theater Delta