Special Parking Service Offered Centre Patrons

Deseret News, 23 December 1937
A special free parking service will be available for patrons of the new Centre Theater. To take advantage of this service, the theater-goers may drive their automobiles to the Broadway entrance of the theater after 6 p.m., or direct to the Auerbach parking lot. An attendant will take charge of the car and park it in the Auerbach lot.

The claim check given to the patron, should behen be presented to the theater cashier for cancellation of charge at the time the admission ticket is purchased. Upon leaving the theater, the parking claim ticket should be presented to one of the Center Theater parking attendants at the Auerbach parking lot, entrance on Broadway between State and Second East Streets. He will extend every courtesy possible in the handling of the car.

The Auerbach parking lot is also open during the day patrons of the theater.
Associated Theaters
Theater City
Centre Theatre Salt Lake City