Chief Of Construction Lauds Auerbach Brothers

Builders Of Centre Theater Extended Congratulations

Deseret News, 23 December 1937
"The Auerbach brothers are to be congratulated upon their foresight in constructing the modern and distinctive Centre Theater", Jack Knight, head of construction for Paramount, stated during his recent stay here. Associated with Paramount for eighteen years, Mr. Knight has built nearly three hundred theaters in the course of his career. He supervised the final building details and the decorating of the new Center Theater, which, in his opinion, is one of the outstanding showhouses west of the Mississippi River.

Jack Knight

"There are many features incorporated in the Centre Theater which are not to be found in larger cities," he said. "I consider the front, with its wide circular marqueee, both unique and impressive. The lighting system used is particularly effective and I intend to incorporate it in my plans for other theaters."

Air Conditioning Impressive

"I am also impressed by the new air-conditioning system installed in the theater. It maintains a perfect temperature regardless of the season. During the summer months, the equivalent of one hundred tons of ice a day, will be used to cool the air. A new apparatus that dehumidifies the air has also been installed."

"The high auditorium give a feeling of spaciousness that is particularly pleasant," Mr. Knight pointed out. "It also permits the free circulation of air that will add to the effectiveness of the air-conditioning system."

Speaking of the decorating details, Mr. Knight commented on the beauty and effectiveness of the new "cove" lighing used throughout the theater. These panels of light create a striking decorative effect and at the same time illuminate the lobby and foyer with a soft and pleasant light.

Points Out Carving

He also pointed out the novel wood-carving in the mural centered in the wide foyer. Depicting the miraculous rescue of the pioneers' crops by the seagulls, the carving is highlighted with metallic paint and illuminated with a border of indirect light. Summing up the new feature of the Centre Tehater, Mr. Knight again commented on the vision and taste of the Auerbachs in their attention to the many details involved. "The theater is a destinct testimonial to these progressive Salt Lake business leaders," he said.

Associated Theaters
Theater City
Centre Theatre Salt Lake City