Theatre Name May Be Changed

Vernal Express, 3 November 1916, page 1

Manager L. H. Allan of the new theatre informs us that he expects to have the new photo-play house open the first of December.  Everything in the way of projecting machines and seating equipment has been ordered and as soon as the interior of the theatre is completed these will be installed.

Mr. Allan says they have decided to change the name of the theatre from the original name of “Princess”, and in this connection the management will inaugurate a name contest and to the person who suggests the most catching name, with the least number of letters, they will award a season ticket to all performances good for three months.  Here's a chance, folks, to re-christen the theatre and at the same time get an opportunity to see every show given at the new play house without cost for a period of three months.   All suggestions should be addressed to Mr. Allen before November 16th.  On that date the committee of stockholders will choose the two most suitable names.  These two names will then be presented to the Board of Directors, who will select one of them as the permanent name of the theatre.  You may be the fortunate individual who will christen the theatre.  Why not try?  The reward for the person who suggests the right name is a free season ticket, good for three months.

Following are the names of the members of the committee who will act as judges in the name contest:  Miss Vilate Bennion, Mrs. McAndrews, Mrs. Mat Curry.

If you are going to name the new theatre, do it now.

Associated Theaters
Theater City
Vogue Theatre Vernal