A Human Beehive

Vernal Express, 7 June 1912, page 1

“A Human Beehive” is the correct way to describe the front of the New Uintah Theatre last Wednesday night for the opening of the Titanic disaster pictures. They were shown to be crowded houses four successive nights. The excellent descriptive lecture on these slides by Mr. Wallace Calder created much comment. Tears came to many a mother's eyes while leaving the theatre as the piano played “Nearer, My God To Thee.” “My Sweetheart Went Down with the Ship,” sung by Mrs. Battie Keays, was a special favorite with the audience and very appropriate to the occasion. The work of Miss Leona Sowards at the piano in the selection “The Wreck of the Titanic” was not less suggestive than the wonderful pictures thrown upon the screen. The music was written by one of the survivors of this great marine disaster. Messrs Ruland and Ward have caught the spirit of Vernal's theatre public and are giving shows that not only please but are really worth while. The people of Maeser, Glines, and Naples have been numerous patrons of this popular picture house. They also appreciate the accommodation of hitching posts on the premises. The New Uintah Theatre will change its bills Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each week.

Associated Theaters
Theater City
Uintah Theatre Vernal