Hurry! Only 2 Days Remain To Buy 'Happiness Tickets'

Salt Lake Tribune, 2 June 1959, page 15
There are but two days left for the purchase of tickets to happiness for yourself and for many others, too.

The tickets will make you happy when you use them to attend the benefit premiere of "Sleeping Beauty" sponsored by The Salt Lake Tribune and Salt Lake Valley Kiwanis Clubs.

FIRST, BUY YOUR tickets to the benefit at the Uptown Theater Tuesday or Wednesday between noon and 5 p.m., or at the Villa Theater in the evenings.  Also any Kiwanian in the city has tickets for sale.

Then Wednesday at 8:30 p.m., be at the Villa Theatre with the wife and youngsters.  You will be met by one of the three pretty hostesses who will present each woman who attends a carnation, courtesy of the Greater Salt Lake Allied Florists, John W. Giles, president.

AFTER YOU ARE seated, you will see two wonderful films:  The fabulous "Grand Canyon Suite," and the spectacular "Sleeping Beauty" with the music of Tchaikovsky's "Sleeping Beauty Ballet."  Both are Walt Disney productions.

Between the two, Maurice Abravanel, conductor of the Utah Symphony, and William F. Christensen, director of the University of Utah Theatre Ballet, will briefly discuss the music of Sleeping Beauty.

AND THE FULL PRICE of admission is deductible next spring when you file state and federal income tax returns.

That is because all the proceeds will be used in a scholarship fund administered by the Salt Lake Exceptional Child Parent-Teacher Assn. for training teachers of handicapped children.
Associated Theaters
Theater City
Villa Theatre Salt Lake City