Bertha Wright Directs Drama

Closing Little Theatre Play To Be Given On April 13, 14, 15

Ogden Standard Examiner, 9 April 1939, page A10
Bertha Eccles Wright, founder of the Little theatre in Ogden has been working diligently for the past two weeks on the season's concluding presentation of the Little Theatre guild, "Fresh Fields." She is here from Los Angeles for the express purpose of directing the play, preparing for its presentation. In spite of the fact that many in the cast will not have had three weeks practice on the play, it will be ready for presentation at the rise of the curtain at eight-thirty p. m. on the night of April 13.
"The cast is really doing some fine work,” Mrs. Wright said, "and it is indeed gratifying to know that the guild is progressing so nicely, and that Ogden has such an outlet for its dramatic talent."
Mrs. Wright's interest in the Little theatre in Ogden dates back farther than 1931, but it was at that time that she procured the present theatre in which the guild's presentations are produced. Long before that time Mrs. Wright in connection with former President Aaron Tracy of Weber college spent much effort and time trying to get the movement started here with the college as its nucleus. Realizing that it could never be a strictly community project if it were connected with any one organization, Mrs. Wright contacted S. B. Steck, owner of the "Cozy" theatre at that time, and C. V. Zinn, who operated it, and obtained permission to put on Little theatre plays there free of charge, as long as the organization paid its own expenses.
She was active in its promotion and in the direction of many of its presentations for a number of years, later moving to Los Angeles where she has been residing for the past four years. Mrs. Wright is continuing her dramatic work there and intends to leave for the coast just as soon as "Fresh Fields" has reached its completion.
Reservations for the play may be made at the Ben Lomond newsstand. It will be presented April 13, 14 and 15.
[Photo of Bertha Eccles Wright]
OUTLET FOR TALENT . . . Bertha Eccles Wright, founder of the Little theatre in Ogden Saturday expressed pleasure at the progress made by the movement. She is in Ogden from Los Angeles to direct "Fresh Fields,” last play of the season which will be presented April 13, 14 and 15.
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