SCERA debuts new stage after three months of renovation

By Julene Thompson
Daily Herald, 15 November 2003


SCERA Showhouse II reopened Thursday after being closed for three months during the first phase of SCERA's renovation plan.

Showhouse II has a new dance floor, two new light and sound booths, and an upgraded sound system that will better accommodate movies, musical productions, and live concerts.

A steel structure with a catwalk supports new lighting and a new fly system.  Before there were only lights that shined on the stage from the audience.

The new fly system allows scenery to be changed quickly and includes a new movie screen that takes one person about five seconds to raise.  The old screen used to take three people an hour to set up.

SCERA also replaced its landscaping and repainted the outside.  The porch, which used to be covered in old carpet, has been renovated.

The first phase of renovations cost about $200,000.  The next step will be renovation of the larger Grand Theater, which SCERA hopes to fund with grants and support from the valley.
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SCERA Showhouse Orem