Theater to lay off 5 employees and cut hours of others, may cut first-run films

By Tammy McPherson
Daily Herald, 26 February 2004, page A1


The SCERA theater will lay off five of its 15 full-time employees and cut the hours of many part-time employees because of a decrease in ticket sales.  The board of the non-profit organization wants to live within its budget and avoid going into debt.

Further cost-cutting measures may include not showing first-run movies anymore or converting Showhouse I into a multipurpose theater.  Showhouse I can't be used for plays or musicals because it doesn't have a loft to pull the screen up, but the stage could be extended and the theater used for smaller, regional-based concerts or for performances by the Utah Valley Symphony.

SCERA completed renovations to Showhouse II in November, along with the porch, landscaping and repainting the outside.
Associated Theaters
Theater City
SCERA Showhouse Orem