Westates Theatres announces new theater, discounted tickets

Spectrum, 27 January 2012


Unnamed Theater

Westates Theatres will enter into an agreement to construct a theater in conjunction with the new development near the existing conference center south of St. George, to be completed by Thanksgiving 2012.

St. George Cinema 6

Westates will remodel the existing St. George Cinema 6, to be renamed the Main Street Cinema 6, and offer reduced admissions and concessions. “Westates understands the difficult economic conditions and is excited to bring a first run stadium seat theater to St. George at discount prices.”

Fiddler Cinema 6

Westates convert three existing screens at the Fiddler Cinema 6 to operation as a discount theater.

Associated Theaters
Theater City
Convention Center Theater St. George
Fiddler's Theatres Cedar City
Megaplex Theatres at Main Street St. George