Little Theater to be Developed in Ogden

Ogden Standard Examiner, 7 November 1919, page 13

 In an interview with a Standard representative yesterday, Dan E. Sullivan, well known as judge of the local juvenile court, and an interested student of the present day theatre drama, stated that local enthusiasts for the “Little Theatre” movement were much encouraged by the signs in the dramatic sky at the moment.  The difficulty of commencing this much to be desired movement in Ogden had been the finding of a suitable place for the production of the plays contemplated, but owing to the suggestion of another well known Ogden man, Mr. Sullivan got into communication with manager Steck of the Rex theatre and found it possible to lease the building which at the present time is not being used owing to the close proximity of another of Mr. Steck's theatres – the Lyceum.

While the “Little Theatre” organization here will be entirely separate and distinct from any other organization or society, it has the support of a number of such societies, as for instance “The Drama Club.”  It is possible that the financing of the enterprise will resolve itself into the cooperation of a few persons, keenly interested, who will pay a yearly donation, and the sale of tickets for the productions as they appear will cover the working expenses.  Minor work on the stage will undoubtedly be carried out by members of the organization.
At the present time it is understood that Mr. Sullivan will act in the capacity of producer of plays for the organization ,every member of which will act in a cooperative capacity, not only in the acting of parts assigned but in the fitting and equipping of the stage, in the making of scenery, and in every minor detail of the administration and general conduct of the society whose main aim it is to encourage local talent in the fine art of the drama, increase the study of great plays, minister of the finest intellectual enjoyment, and act as a leavening influence in the heightening of the desire for the finest expressions of dramatic art.
“It is impossible to over estimate the good that can be done by such an organization as “The Little Theatre,” said Mr. Sullivan to our representative yesterday.  “Every rational human being needs amusement, good or bad or merely indifferent.  Here is an organization which sets itself the task of elevating the tastes of the public by the concrete representation of the best plays and what is more, here is an organization whose work can be carried out by local people, who sincerely set themselves the task of studying to the best of their ability to get at the secret of some of the finest work done for the modern stage, and having caught something of the secret will try to manifest it by good acting and fine production for the enjoyment of others.”
Judge Sullivan is a graduate of the Leland Powers School of the Spoken Word and is well qualified to act in the capacity of dramatic producer to the organization.  Many Ogden people, for whom the question of theatrical amusement is taking on serious aspects will undoubtedly be glad to hear of this development and growth to power.
Associated Theaters
Theater City
Rex Theatre Ogden